
Social Media Accounts Overview

Login credentials for all of these accounts are maintained by the Chapter's Public Information Officer and are stored in an encrypted password manager database, shared with a few other officers.

Facebook – The Chapter Facebook account is:
Presently managed by Steve Villavaso, it could be taken over by an “Assistant PIO” and linked to our Hootsuite account for automated posting.

Twitter – Our Twitter account is https://twitter.com/louisiana_apa, handle @louisiana_apa. It is managed by the Chapter PIO and linked to our Hootsuite account for automated posting. It is also linked to our MailChimp account where, optionally, a tweet can be sent out with each e-newsletter.

YouTube – We have the opportunity to create a Chapter channel on which to post videos from conference presentations, etc. Presently, our Chapter website links to the YouTube channel of the American Planning Association. Be aware that YouTube will place advertising content over your videos so consider Vimeo instead.

Vimeo - Our Vimeo account is https://vimeo.com/louisianaplanning. Not much content there yet, but the PIO intended to post recordings of Chapter Conference sessions. Vimeo has an advantage over YouTube in that it does not place advertisements over your  video. Also, at the time it was created, YouTube set limits on video length while Vimeo did not, though it does throttle how many GB of video content you can upload to a free account per time period. 

LinkedIn – The Chapter's LinkedIn presence exists as a LinkedIn group.We've lost track of who manages it. Is it linked to our Hootsuite account? Check on this.

Hootsuite – is a social media aggregator service. Adding a blog post to our website sends a message via RSS feed to Hootsuite which then deploys it through Twitter, LinkedIn, and – once we link it – Facebook. This is a huge time saver and also provides some analytics of our social media presence.

MailChimp – is our bulk email service. The free account level provides adequate quotas for frequency and list size. MailChimp offers the ability of linking directly with Twitter (and Facebook?) when we publish a campaign.

RSS - The blog articles of our website are also published via an RSS feed: http://www.louisianaplanning.com/site/rss.xml

See Docs: e-Newsletter for instructions specific to MailChimp

Section 3 of APA's Communication Guide provides social media usage guidelines. Accessing this document requires APA membership and logging in to planning.org. Search for "Social Media." Also search APA's YouTube channel for freely-viewable video trainings.

​The following are more detailed instructions for managing APA-LA's social media accounts.

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