Louisiana Revised Statute 33:101

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The Revised Statutes of the State of Louisiana (then click Title 33) include laws governing the Physical Development of Parishes and Municipalities. Of particular note are the following statues:

  • RS 33: 101 - Beginning of Part IV.  Physical Development of Parishes and Municipalities; Subpart A.  Planning Commissions
  • RS 33: 101.1 - Subdivision approval a legislative function
  • RS 33: 102 - Grant of power to parishes and municipalities
  • RS 33: 103 - Planning commission; membership; appointment
  • RS 33: 103.1 - Training requirements; commission and advisory board members
  • The list of laws goes on to RS 33: 9701 and includes defining of regional planning authorities, economic development authorities, various compensation allowances, exceptions and laws unique to specific Parishes or municipalities.
June, 2016
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