Student Observations from Seattle

Photo of downtown Seattle by Brigette Bernal

In mid April APA members from across the country (and world?) gathered for our organization's National Planning Conference in Seattle. A number of our students from UNO were fortunate to attend and have provided the following observations:

CPRA Releases Flood Risk and Resilience Viewer

CPRA Flood Risk and Resilience Viewer

The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) has recently launched a new “Flood Risk and Resilience Viewer” which displays information on coastal land change, flood risk, and impacts to communities. This innovative online-tool provides residents with access to the state’s best information about how Louisiana’s coast may change in the future, as well as resources to make communities and properties safer.

Master of Science in Transportation at UNO

New Transportation Degree at UNO

I am writing to spread the word about our new Master of Science in Transportation at UNO.  Please see the three attachments, including a letter from me, a flier for our upcoming informational session on Monday, April 13th, 6 - 7:30 pm and a flier about the program.  


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